What Is Outplacement?

Outplacement is a process of effective and professional assistance to employees who have found themselves in a situation of job loss, most commonly due to a company reorganization, position elimination, closure of an entire branch or facility of a company. Outplacement is offered to terminated employees by their employer, who covers the costs associated with this service. The service is usually provided to terminated employees by an external partner.


  • is part of good human resources management and modern HR marketing,
  • minimizes the negative impacts of layoffs,
  • maintains the employer's good reputation on the market,
  • motivates remaining employees,
  • strengthens the positive perception of the company as an employer,
  • is a good investment in the future.

Outplacement, which can be prepared for individuals as well as larger groups, is a professional care for departing employees. The main goal is to help the terminated employee or group of terminated employees adjust to the situation and help them to find new employment on the job market. Outplacement can be applied to employees at all levels of the company - from blue-collar workers to top management. In the Czech Republic, the term "outplacement" does not have a permanent place, as many companies do not implement it, even though it could build a very good reputation on the job market.

Within this process, the company invests its resources so that the terminated employee not only receives financial compensation. The basic essence of outplacement is personal contact between the terminated employee and a professional advisor (consultant or psychologist), whose task is to help the individual to navigate the job market and provide advice in finding job opportunities.

The specialist hired by companies for outplacement assists with resume writing and preparation for interviews or selection processes. Thanks to the consultant, the terminated employee gains practical advice, motivation, and an optimistic mindset, which better prepares them for finding a new job. The consultant also helps the terminated employee to identify their own strengths and to sell these better on the job market.

Outplacement ensures a smooth process of termination, acceptance, and adjustment to the situation for departing and remaining employees in the company, as they realize they have the opportunity to work for a good employer who will help them to the maximum extent in a difficult situation.

Outplacement Process

Outplacement proceeds in several steps, guided by an important human factor and support. For this reason, employers hire specialized consultants or firms to carry out outplacement for them and help terminated employees navigate their new life situation.

The basis of a successful job interview or recruitment process is an attractive and engaging (yet truthful!) resume, which a professional will assist the terminated employee with. The professional conultant informs a candidate about sources where to find job offers and how to respond to them. He/ She also offers training on how to behave during a job interview.

A consultant specializing in outplacement should be empathetic and partially a psychologist, as they must respond to negative reactions or pessimistic moods of the applicant primarily caused by stress. And just like psychological support, the consultant should offer a helping hand to the terminated employee and provide human support, which is crucial in such difficult situation.

External companies specializing in outplacement are characterized by a wide portfolio of services in human resources. They approach employers individually and tailor the outplacement process directly to ensure it is effective and efficient.

An outplacement expert will design a program and a timeline for the process. However, the implementation of outplacement is preceded by a personal meeting with a company representative, as it is necessary to know about the corporate culture, team composition, and reasons for termination to design the program and timeline. The common goal of the consultant and the company is to speak the same language towards the employees.

Outplacement Actors

Laying off employees has a significant impact on how the company is perceived as an employer in the region and on the labour market, as well as on the atmosphere within the company, which can lead to a decrease in productivity. These phenomens are to be prevented by measures prepared within the framework of outplacement. The outplacement process involves the employer (HR manager or line manager), the terminated employee, the remaining employees, and the external partner leading the outplacement.

  • Assistance to remaining employees

The departure of key team members can have a negative impact on the overall performance of the team's work. For this reason, various activities such as team building and workshops are organized. The main goal is to restore effective cooperation within the remaining workgroup and provide motivation.

  • Assistance to employer

Outplacement conducted by an external company leads to minimizing the negative impact of layoffs on the organization's operations and ensures stable performance and efficiency at work. At the same time, it strengthens the company's image as a good employer that has a very positive relationship not only with its own employees but also with the public.

  • Assistance to line managers

Notice is usually announced by direct supervisors. A professional consultant prepares managers for the correct way to communicate information about the termination. Managers learn how to deliver negative news and manage crisis communication.

  • Assistance to terminated employees

A professional advisor provides information useful for navigating the new situation of unemployment and for a new job searching. People who have undergone a comprehensive outplacement program during layoffs, find new job opportunities more easily.

Recruit CZ

As a team of professional consultants and headhunters of Recruit CZ provide services for recruiting employees for senior and top management positions in companies using the method of direct approach according to the precisely defined needs of the client.

Recruit CZ has been operating in the Czech and Slovak markets since 2003. We have experience in filling top managerial positions also in Poland, Austria, Hungary and Romania.

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